YouTube from #mamllnet - 30 year event on art and innovation in Management Learning

I am now back in Exeter, starting to load up video from trip to Lancaster and Birmingham. (No video from Birmingham, lowkey event about quality but there may be some stills later with avatars to ensure confidentiality.)

In Lancaster there was an event to celebrate 30 years of the MA in Management Learning and Leadership. This was mostly in the Hub area of the Management School. 

I have done four videos so far, starting with John Burgoyne again. Previously there were videos based on two sound recordings and the slides. These new ones are not well lit but at least the slide sequence and timing is correct. He is getting quicker also, the timings are closer to YouTube standards, though this is changing also (some talks are almost two hours but twenty minutes is better I think)

There is also one on Virtual Action Learning. My impression is that virtual worlds were noticed in universities a few years ago but then  widely ignored as bandwidth was a problem for most students. They seem to be coming back again. Terra Incognita in Second Life is well set up and my colleague Sally Potter has started to visit.

Social Media and eLearning are well connected in this next one. More later when I have loaded parts two and three. It takes a while.