Brands and quality, blog detail found from Futurelearn course #mtw3 #mosocoop

Couple of things found in blogs. I agree that the Brands course is quite limited as  a MOOC. See post by Ben Betts.  He is on the course like me. It is not very "connectivist" but it is consistent and ok for what it offers. By the way, the post and comment suggest that universities will be influenced by MOOCs, however limited they are. 

It is not revolutionary, save for the fact that they are giving it away for free. I’ve searched for a legitimate reason for a University to do this beyond marketing and CSR, but honestly, I can’t find one. 

But "marketing" and CSR may be enough of a case. If CSR includes making content available then why not? University presses may do something similar. The "marketing" could be more obvious but again seems a reasonable offer.

Anyway, here is an attempt to widen out the course. I'm not sure the content can be copied but there will be another one early next year. There is a history of brand definitions ending with one for roughly this century relating to the web. I have found a blog that might relate ( probably more clues later, this is only week one )

The New Brand Building Reality , Wolff Olins Jan 2013 , extract

1.     Total Experience Management Much as Total Quality Management transformed manufacturing in the 1980’s, Total Experience Management will transform brands in the 2010’s. Today’s brand experiences are highly fragmented and as a result are a significant source of competitive weakness (as any trawl of social media will demonstrate). By 2020, this will have changed considerably. Instead of focusing on individual touch points, brands will instead be considering the rich ecosystem of experiences they create. They will look at the integration of their brand ecosystem under a common “operating system” as a means of enhancing customer value. By thinking of the total experience, and usefulness, of the brand from the customer’s point of view, brands will create superior experiences across not just a single touch point but across the entirety of the branded experience. The beginnings of this transformation are already apparent in the way that technology brands such as Apple, Google and Microsoft are connecting their branded ecosystems together under a common user experience framework. - 

This is interesting for people who study Deming or related TQM ideas and also the Learning Company. I will try to make connections with the Deming SIG at the CQI and the third version of Management Theory at Work. #mtw3 is online only at this time.  There is a Soundcloud clip of a recent talk by John Burgoyne in which he suggests that companies such as Google, Apple and Microsoft are not seeking advice from business schools in the way that other companies have done. Not sure if this is true but it may be that new research is needed to improve the offer. Comment welcome, especially from business schools that can show otherwise than suggested. 

Also I don't see why quality methods cannot be used as part of branding. There is still some sort of system and process. This is worth exploring. 



Sound of talk on same topics found on YouTube #mtw3 , keynote for third Management Theory at Work. Recorded near Lake Windemere in August 2013