misc notes #3

Dates for 2014, around which I will repeat mostly the same sort of story, that better links between communication technology, learning and quality are now possible or more possible, even probable. Could be quite boring and obvious but seems to need a fresh go every so often. ( Jeff Jarvis has a theory that articles are on a loop anyway. I think that's it. must check Buzzmachine )

BETT 22-25 Jan

Learning Tech 29,30 Jan

concentrated week at end of March

IPEX 24 - 29th

includes      25 -27  Cross Media Production

25 Deming

28 TEDx Exeter

Also online the Consumer Electronic Show is quite soon but according to Eric Franklin at C Net the announcements may come in Barcelona during Feb. It may not matter much, the BETT discussion will be about what is happening already. Presumably some Chromebook news from CES, this is looking like a basis for comparison with other offers. I saw some interesting Microsoft kit in Exeter John Lewis yesterday but it did seem quite expensive.