Wild Show Comment on TEDx Exeter / News from the Sun

I have put a voice clip on YouTube from the Wild Show today. Only a couple of minutes, filling in while Chris Norton finds some more music.​

I am guessing TED X in Exeter tomorrow will have at least some space for technology as positive. I find a lot of academics are worried about neo-liberal rhetoric and commercial challenges to traditional university offers. The Northcott Theatre is on the campus so some of this may be part of the discussion. A visit to the Phoenix will widen the scope.

I don't think the artwork is especially hand crafted, whatever is said in the guide. The flat images could be reprinted by digital technology without losing a lot. Just my opinion, feel free to comment. The video could be on YouTube, I have not yet checked what else might be there. If the work is a collage from other sources I think it can be open in itself.​

Comments welcome or mp3 or there may be space for guests on a Thursday morning , 10 -12.