Wild Show next week, the MOOC continued
Yesterday on the Wild Show our guest Clive Chilvers was unable to be there. I think he will be in the Phonic studio next Thursday around quarter to 11. But it was interesting how JD and I filled the space. We went through the topics that might have been discussed. Belmont Pleasure Ground, Stonehenge, citizen journalism, copyright etc. Then I found that the term MOOC needed to be explained. JD is great for telling me where I am rambling. Online learning is still a closed sort of discussion in some ways. When I got into TED and digital policy for universities he was mentioning news about empty student accommodation in Exeter. They are still building more. And libraries.
We thought we were getting into an area that Clive might not want to comment on. But we will see what happens next week. He can possibly suggest others we could talk to. We did work out that there is a cafe at the Innovation Centre so we are prepared to travel.
On the Today prog this morning there was a report from TED in Edinburgh. We thought the MOOC comes from California but the example on Today seemed to be based at MIT. So our facts are a bit vague. Our question is still reasonable though, even if there is sometimes a week of delay till a guest answers. When Futurelearn launches in the UK with some support from a university such as Exeter, will anything local change so you would notice?