YouTube clip from Wild Show, flipped TED - #TEDf
I have loaded an extract to YouTube from yesterday's Wild Show. Just under 15 minutes as that is my limit. The MOOC content is somewhere in the middle. I am allowed to rave on but Chris and JD keep the talk various.
More about the "flipped TED" , the main new item I think. There is a TEDx of which there have already been two in Exeter and the third is in March. I'm not sure what a flipped TED would be like but I'm sure this is worth exploring. there could be some conversation in the studio or we can link to mp3 and edit a sample as time allows. Other spinoff could take various forms.
The hashtag could be #TEDf
I expect this is already happening. If you know of a flipped TED somewhere else please let me know. More later if we work something out in Exeter.