Fifth Floor , BBC World Service, mix with YouTube for complete tracks

As mentioned previously I often find that the BBC World Service will send me back to sleep in the middle of the night, UK time. Also as previously I regret the loss of the World of Music show. I think this was to save money on paying for licences to broadcast full tracks. Mark Coles continues to load a weekly show onto Mixcloud but this is not quite the same. 

Last night the Fifth Floor played four tracks from Brazil, or rather four short extracts. I guess this is allowed as news reporting or something. There is a clip on the website but no download yet for the complete show. I have copied out some text and tried it in YouTube

Super violão mashup by Lucas Santanna

; Balboa da Silva by Bixiga 70;

 O Inimitável by Mestre Vieira;  not right one

 and Galera da Laje by Gaby Amarantos and Maderito o Alucinado

suggest you check to find some more

So what is this "cheesy disco" ? Sounds like it might work on the Wild Show, Phonic FM on Thursday mornings. We have an OFCOM licence and are pay for Performance Rights. Benefit coming up soon, by the way.

I think it is in April that the BBC licence fee will take over the costs of the World Service. If us in the UK, speaking for myself, have any say in the matter I think music must be fairly central so bringing back the World of Music is a priority. Maybe there are some performers who would welcome the promotion enough to supply sampler sounds without involving a major label. Worth exploring maybe.

There must be some alternative to the Fifth Floor having a major global research facility and then just playing clips so short that dance is not possible.