#mtw3 issues around #IPEX14

This post is about a shortened version of #mtw3 ,  the online update for Management Theory at Work. Search on #mtw3 for more info. Briefly, there were two conferences in Lancaster about ten years ago and it could be time to reconsider. I often find it useful to go through the issues and check out for new content.

I usually start with the John Burgoyne keynote. This has been updated in various talks, some of which are on YouTube or Soundcloud. The original ones detoured around critique and leadership but as the Work Foundation is the notional location for a new event the closing focus is usually on innovation, for example academic publishing.  The ethics aspect has related often to environmental issues. Design Science keeps cropping up, both in management and learning.

For the next month I am concentrating on IPEX, a print show at ExCel in London. I don't know how much of this will be about academic publishing but see the previous post for some connections. The Cross Media Production section is only part of the main IPEX event but it seems a good time to check out where print publishing is at. Journals have mostly switched to digital formats but the structures remain much as previously. See other posts also for what appears to be some crossover between the MOOC and the social media promotion on published titles.

#mtw3 should work on Twitter and YouTube. Also Soundcloud. I have been working recently on radio -the Wild Show on Phonic FM Thursday mornings- and find that video can be quick and sound is important. I did have a problem with selecting Creative Commons so switched to Soundcloud. Not sure how the month will work out but I expect there will mostly be sound clips and edits for video will follow later.