Jonah Hitchens EP launch @wenotno @Phonic_FM

This week there may not be time to document all the implications of last week. Monday already so tomorrow is Tuesday. We don't do a lot of planning for the We Don't Know show from 12 to 2 on Phonic FM. But we have decided to visit the EP launch for Jonah Hitchens at Mama Stones in Exeter. Found one track on Soundcloud that we played last week.

This is like an extended tweet so I can explain some things for Jonathan Mahy, won't meet him till about 11 tomorrow.

We would still like to interview Stevie Wonder and ask him about how he copes not being able to see the audience. He seems to know what is going on very well. But so far we don't think we have found the real Stevie Wonder on Twitter. Also we'd like to know when the new CD or CDs are to be released. Somehow he visits the UK and there is no information available. We think that Motown Classic ( they are on Twitter ) is not about anything current and Island seems to be a group, maybe not that interested. We just mumble about what we don't know and hope for someone to tweet back.

Phonic FM is in the basement of the Phoenix so we rarely go out to other venues. this would be a chance to visit Mama Stones and maybe find something a bit different. Also I have done a search on YouTube, setting filter to this month, and find that Joss Stone appeared with Stevie Wonder during the North Sea Jazz Festival. So maybe she knows if there is a genuine Stevie Wonder on Twitter. Or at least somebody at Mama Stones may know a Twitter support person somewhere else. Some Twitter accounts seem not that direct, apart from Martha Reeves but I'm going off topic.

Not sure what we will be allowed to video or photograph at the EP launch. Maybe we will get something that can be used on the radio. But copyright is complex, not always clear what people want.

Meanwhile I have sent a tweet to Rod Temperton enquiring whether he would expect to be asked in advance if a band did a cover of Give Me The Night in a pub. Maybe more later, depending on the answer. Just a vague general enquiry at the moment.

A blues/funk song, has since been recorded again however this version gives a baisic idea! Music and lyrics by myself! recorded and mixed by Chris Tilke.