Peter Scott and MOOC missing from life long learning
Peter Scott and MOOC missing from life long learning
This is a short post as I'm getting ready for the Wild Show tomorrow. There may be a Pulse post later as I have done more about the MOOC there.
Yesterday Peter Scott wrote in the Guardian about UK universities and life long learning. Financial pressures have reduced the offer. There is not as much support from the public for universities as such. This may be reflected in funding as there is support for lower fees.
A while ago Peter Scott wrote that he would not write about the MOOC. To this he has stuck.
So nothing about life long learning as in people signing up to online courses and then just having a browse. Drop out rates do not bother the punters.
Thing is, UK citizens can find online stuff from outside the UK.
Apparently post-1992 unis have suffered in esteem. Although the OU and Birkbeck "have nothing to apologise for". It is striking that in the UK the Futurelearn project has not got the backing of the top research ancients whatever you want to call them. In the USA Stanford MIT/Harvard are ok.
What happened to modes one and two / design science as a route for management theory? I can't find much recent.