@Clive_Chilvers @Meridian_RAW how would Flickr / Creative Commons add to participatory photography?


This is a start on an interview by Tweet approach. Tomorrow is the Wild Show on Phonic FM. I never know how much time there will be but I often try to talk about Creative Commons, web policy and soforth. We need a lot of space for music also and can't get too technical.

I realise you work as a professional photographer so copyright is important to protect your income. I can't say there is an obvious business model that fits well with the web as it is developing.

But I would still like to ask you what you think about Creative Commons options on Flickr for example. The Meridian RAW exhibit in the Phoenix bar till the 28th Jan is excellent and shows how photos contribute to participation and communication in groups.

Several photos are also on the website

There is a copyright notice but I suppose copying is possible.

So what difference would there be if a group on Flickr existed? Do social media add much? Have you tried a Creative Commons licence on anything?

How upset would you be if photos were reproduced on a blog?

Any other comments? I notice your tweet about the current legislation issues in the USA.

