Creative Commons and the Radio 4 Today "Zombie Army" @BBCr4today
I may have been half asleep but I think the Today programme had an item that could have been expanded. There seemed to be just the copyright owners and the zombie army of crazed hackers intent on mischief.
There was no mention I remember for Creative Commons or other discussion around a legal basis for a creative culture suited to the available technology. The most recent BBC reference to Creative Commons I can find is from June last year.
However I noticed that Michael Gove has not only put his BETT speech on YouTube but chosen a Creative Commons licence so it can be remixed. (By the way I think his BETT speech is well worth study to find the bits that are constructive)
I work on the Wild Show at Phonic FM in Exeter. We interviewed Dan Jarvis MP on his regional tour and I asked why he had not chosen Creative Commons on his Flickr account ( sorry about the dreadful lighting)
Later in the Phoenix bar I spoke to Cllr Paul Bull who supported the idea of Creative Commons for content from public figures.
Later I included some clips from the World Service Click program for the purpose of review and comment.
The sound that is not already BBC copyright is Creative Commons so the BBC is welcome to include any of this in a future broadcast.
In my opinion there is not enough discussion on how a collective work process can be supported. For example I don't think the classic form of news reporting can be afforded for most newspapers. The BBC may be an exception. But forms of citizen journalism can also contribute. Creative Commons has a place in this.
Exeter could be a cluster location. There have been three meetings of #likeminds.