Gutenberg Geek as seen on YouTube, video designed for conversation #T3W
an hour and a half, I will have to get a few things done today and watch later.
But this is a fascinating video. So far I have not done much with Google + but I notice Jeff Jarvis is posting quite often. He has changed his image to show off Gutenberg Geek, a new short text through Amazon. This video show the record of the hangout. So this could be a model for a lot of video conferencing style of occasions. Not that expensive.
You don't have to buy the text first. I think there is a summary as part of the video. Not sure though. Maybe watch the video and then think about buying the text.
By the way, I still think the Guardian has reduced the budget for Jeff Jarvis in print. I tried to check this fact with them but they don't reply. What is a blogger to do? anyway, Jeff is trying something new for some reason.
His topic is timely. In May the drupa print show will mostly be promoted by social media and video, just my guess.