Update on Twinity
I recently updated my broadband and also a new PC with Windows 7 and a current graphics card. Previously I had to go to Life Bytes or St Sidwells to log into Twinity, a 3D world recreating real space starting with Berlin. They have also started on Singapore, Miami, London and New York. They tend to begin with the area in the middle and then work out. You can create your own homes or places in other locations that may be reached eventually. There are ways to move between models but this only works if your address is within an existing city.
So I started thinking about Lancaster campus and central Exeter through avatars who could move to other places as well. Unfortunately some appear to have been deleted, maybe because they did not set up a home. Rent is now due on the others so there is a cash investment. Steve Shopper based in Princesshay Exeter now also has a space called King's Cross. Castle Battle used to spend time arguing with Exeter City Council but now has the Eros Gallery in Amsterdam. Two people who work on Lancaster campus have bought places by the seaside. Linda Shelton from the George Fox building now lives at Lubins in Morecambe. Sally Potter from the management department spends some time in Sidmouth. Wayne Ratliff from the studies centre has a flat in Earls Court that is large enough to display material from trade shows.
More recently Source Dubious has bought a place in Fleet Street London and I have bought flats in New York and Singapore. These could be ways to extend conversations around communication and quality.
Also Jo Hannis has a place called Exeter. I think this was connected to Exeter TV but the TV is not working at the moment. In New York the radio is linked to Totnes FM ands this works ok. The sound launches in another browser.
Berlin is still the base. Most of what you look for is there. London stops with Oxford Street, maybe just aq bit of Tottenham Court Road. I think it may reach King's Cross during 2012 but not Islington. So there needs to be extra places and Devon will stay off the edge.
Recent photos on Flickr. Captions will be updated soon. Video also works in twinity so there could be edits with other clips.