draft notes for six months or so

I am still at a few steps away from the here and now, maybe just imagining a future. At least this a form of observation, building up background for events that may turn up. I still think the newspaper world is on borrowed time. There is a lot to adjust to. Radio and sound seem to be moving more like in real time. But I am losing contact with quite a range of people so will go back to txt some of the time.

ISO 9000 will be revised next year. I don't think it will help much to cope with the disruption. This may be so for most quality approaches also. It seems that completely new operations replace the previous ones much more often than any sort of transformation. i think "quality theory" should be an explanation of this sort of thing, not just a method for practice. This might make more sense for academics to engage.

For the rest of this year there are no longer the trade fairs I used to relate to in blogs etc. There is no Cross Media, no Information Online. The next actual events will be BETT and Learning Technologies. I can still speculate online about Cross Media. Try to follow the links with print.

I think there is a lot going on outside the UK that is not much reported here. More interest in technology and quality, also how this relates to learning. BETT may be an occasion when this is better recognised. Last year there was nothing obvious about the MOOC. The OU had nothing about Futurelearn on their stand. I will try to engage online as soon as it seems possible.

I will try to connect Plan-Do-Check / Study- Act with Design Science as well as quality. I find design makes some sense for people working on radio. ISO 9000 seems to require quite a formal presentation so I'm not sure how to mix this with social media. Maybe this could be tried next year when more is known about the new standards. 


Playlist for Seale Hayne Beer Festival

I have started a playlist on YouTube for the Beer Festival next weekend at Seale Hayne. One thing I would like to talk about is what is happening with radio? If everything is streamed and people select their own music is there any role for FM and / or presenters? Currently there is some overlap between Phonic FM in Exeter (with the Wild Show and #wenotno) and Access All Aerials at Seale Hayne. Not sure what happens next. Maybe not much detail during the beer festival but may continue in a studio sometime.

Anyone know what is going on in USA? seems to be some discussion of streaming and radio. Spreaker and iHeart may exchange some content, not sure how this works.

Still images for promotion and comment / SENSE at RAMM

During the chat show aspect of the Beer Festival next week I would like to discuss art images as compared to sound. What can be done around sharing them as promotion? Can they be mixed up? So far I find that the approach from galleries is different to musicians.

Trying things out I have taken some photos of the poster outside RAMM in Exeter and put them on Flickr with a Creative Commons licence. I don't think this will stop people going  to the actual exhibition. 

Can't work out how to embed Flickr so here they are again. At least there are two of them. By chance I also found in Flickr that the Phoenix Gallery have posted several images from the current show Hinterland by Rachel Busby and  David Webb. I did not know they did this so maybe things have moved anyway. I will check response to the post during the week.



Negotiation in Creative Commons, notes for Leuphana

This blog post is also a draft for the Leuphana course on the Commons. As explained previously I have found that there is not much awareness of Creative Commons as a legal option. There are no other active members of my group. So much of the suggested activity is not possible to implement. Also it happens that the Sidmouth Folk Week is current so I am concentrating on that. One guest about to leave and another maybe arriving. However the ideas around the commons relate to folk sounds so I am thinking about the course content as I do other things and talk to people I meet.

Best example a show from yesterday on Phonic FM. Jon Mahy and I doid a show including sounds from various sources that reasonably reported a visit to Sidmouth. Some variation depending on what we could find. It is now on Spreaker, download enabled. Included much from CD but also YouTube and Soundcloud. So we have done a form of radio that extends a folk situation.

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Spreaker has no Creative commons function I can find. The more recent sites seem to have less knowledge of it. I don't think the culture is any different though.

Our negotiation style is mostly contentious, we try things out. On YouTube the upload will fail or you get a message when policy is contradicted. There is no communication as such. I have put on YouTube a clip discussing Prince and his policy on copyright. I suggest there will be some new clarity as radio and streams cross over. see also Guardian reporting on Radio One.

We think we are in a problem solving negotiation with the artists. We spoke to Jonah Hitchens at the launch of his EP. There is a track on Soundcloud in demo form that he may delete when recorded for his next EP. We have asked him to leave it there so we can play it for the show. Not sure what will happen when the new version is available.

Not time now to explore how Radio 1 thinks social media will work out. there is much more remix involved than just "liking" content as is. Much marketing involved but there is still some form of commons.

Expanded post on boundaries, locations as sets

By "sets" I am meaning some sort of stage where something can be recorded. Not maths or systems. But this could ramble off in various directions. Over the rest of the year there will be actual meetings around systems and learning. There was to have been a meeting about "Organising and Managing Across Boundaries" in September but this looks like it is moving online and/or some regional events. There will probably be an event in London in December based on the ideas of Edwards Deming.

Meanwhile I am getting more into radio or at least edits of shows that then continue online. The Phonic FM studio is a basement in central Exeter. We do know where it is but this can be forgotten after an hour or so. mp3 can come from anywhere and the date or time can be represented variously.

So here are the graphics again, maybe making more sense

This is intended as  a walk between the Work Foundation in Victoria and the CQI in Holborn. Or it could be a campus or large organisation with a QA building and a HR building. A walk is a chance for conversation. There can be stops at a cafe. ( Recently I think the north bank of the Thames has too much clutter. But the South Bank and the Strand are still good locations ) There may be sound before there is video. Any suggested clips can probably be included.

This one involves moving between the Lancaster Campus and the Work Foundation. It is a way to continue the conference on management theory and practice. Also Mode 1 and Mode2 knowledge. Maybe we should add design science sometime soon. Not sure what is happening but there may be more interest in design science.

I still think the Work Foundation could be used for conferences and links between academics and practice. But for various reasons I'm not sure it is happening. People working in London prefer breakfast meetings. Academics outside London like a later start as train tickets are cheaper.  Meanwhile I will explore what is possible in Exeter, but taking the diagram as a grid. It is getting easier to do sound recordings and video anywhere. they can be mixed or regarded as  basis for another one. Production standards can vary.

One of the topics for "managing and organising across boundaries" is the situation of whistle blowers. Some of this may relate to "the voice of the system" in systems diagrams. How can it work exactly?

The page for the Boundaries conference still exists and links to a special journal issue.


There is a page for the Deming SIG at the CQI. There will be planning meetings ahead of December so details could be available on request
